Longlisted for the BEEP painting biennial

I was delighted to be long listed for the BEEP painting biennial 2024. The selected artists were asked to make a painting based on a ‘rescued’ 7 inch vinyl record and to create a new painted cover for it, to the size and square format of a singles cover (18cm x 18cm).

My single was ‘’The Things We do for Love’ by 10CC which was released in 1977. It turned out to be such an enjoyable exercise.

I saw a striking photo of polish naturalist, Simone Cossack whose intense relationship with the wild animals she lived amongst and studied for 30 years, seemed appropriate to my song title. My painting was a response to a photograph of her and a mischievous wild Raven she befriended. My painting fits in with one of my current preoccupations which is how humans relate to the non human world.

The over arching theme of the biennial was ‘I won’t stay in the world without love’ and it opened at the Elysium Gallery in Swansea in November 2024 and transferred to the Aberystwyth School of Art in January where it runs until 4th April 2025. Let me know if you get the chance to see the show in Aberystwyth.

Turps Hastings 2024

A year of regular artist led mentorship and monthly artist’s meet ups, talks and peer to peer activities and suddenly we are at the end of the inaugural Turps Hastings off-site painting course 2023/24.

Come and see what we have been up to in our end of year curated exhibition, ‘Paintings’ at the Electro Studios in St Leonards on Sea. We’d love to see you at the Private View which is on Wednesday 26th June, 6.30-8.30pm. The show runs for five days only, 11am to 5pm and I will be there from 2 pm to 5pm on Sunday 30th June. Pop in to say hello.

Paintings, Turps Hastings 2024, Electro Studios, St Leonards, TN38 0AL

Landscapes (not Landscapes?)

I’m delighted to be taking part in Landscapes (not Landscapes?) at The Rogue Gallery in St Leonards on Sea. The show features 20 artists with 30+ widely differing interpretations of what landscape might mean. I am showing two paintings, Ceremony, see below and Climbing.

The PV is on Friday 21st June 2024 from 6.30 to 8.30pm and the show runs until the 28th July 2024. It would be great to see you on Friday and if you are thinking of coming to look at the exhibition at any other time, do get in touch and if I can, i’d be happy to meet you there.

Ceremony, oil on canvas, 40 x 50cm

Landscapes (not Landscapes?), The Rogue Gallery, 65 Norman Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, TN38 0EG, www.rogue-gallery.co.uk